Friday, July 19, 2013

Retrieving Copper Lab Data

Retrieving Copper Lab Data
July 19, 2013
Nora, Rio, Juliet
Dr. Forman 

Retrieving Cu Data
Charcoal powder with some grains, spreads to the rim of the beaker
Unconverted CuO
Brick color, staying at the bottom of the beaker, filter paper mass = 1g,
Retrieved Cu
Solution with zinc bubbles immediately when covered, getting cloudy, condensing at the top, fizzing at the bottom, wet copper is muddy and brick colored, powdery, filter paper mass = 1g,

Unconverted CuO mass: 1.69 g
Converted CuO mass: 1.15 g



  • a. Since there was still zinc in the copper particles, we thought that the reaction was incomplete.
  • b. We could add less zinc and more copper could possibly form.

  • a. 0.69 g of the original powdered copper sample reacted when heated.
  • b. 85% of the copper never reacted.

  • a. Cu2+ + Zn --> Cu + Zn2+
  • b. 
    1. The reactant that was oxidized was Zn.
    2. The reactant that was reduced was Cu2+.
    3. The reducing agent was Zn.
    4. The oxidizing agent was Cu.

  • a. After we added zinc, the solution color became cloudy and many bubbles started to form.
  • b. The changes we observed were due to the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.
  • c. When the solution turns from black to a copper-redish color, we were able to indicate that the zinc was removed from the Cu2+ ions.

  • a. Zn was "used up".
  • b. The resource went to the bottom.

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