Thursday, July 25, 2013


Feedback on the summer Chemistry course:

  1. By conducting new experiments and obtaining much new knowledge daily, we were able to learn the intricate concepts quicker and collaborate with our peers to facilitate a successful outcome. I really enjoyed blogging and being able to collect all of my assignments on one website. It helped me to stay organized and I was able to submit my lab reports and terms with the click of a button. This improved my study techniques as well. I have greatly benefited from taking summer Chemistry and I do not regret my decision.
  2. If I were to tweak or change the course, the only thing I would say is to balance out the homework more. We had a fair amount the entire time, excluding the first night and last week. If the assignments were more spread out, people would be less stressed. I also think it would be helpful to have more specifics of what will be on the exams so that we are positive of what to study.
  3. Going beyond The Economist articles through presentations in order to enhance our scientific understanding, we could maybe pair up in groups with similar articles to create a research paper. This would allow us to compare and contrast, while also improving our writing skills.
  4. I think that we honestly use our blogs very effectively as it is; however, we could also keep updating the "Terms" page every night. Most people forgot about this section of our blogs until we were reminded, but it would be very helpful when the time comes for the weekly tests.
  5. The instructor should check all the homework on the blogs to make sure that people did their work; however, I do not think that he/she needs to read through each and every assignment for the sake of time. Also, if homework is based on effort, then the teacher should just confirm that the students completed their assignments and not cautiously review every word.
  6. With a new head of school who is calling for more creativity, even in science, I think that learning Chemistry should include watching more videos and songs in order to memorize the elements and learn concepts more effectively and efficiently.

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