Thursday, July 18, 2013

Homework Assignment 19

2SDS #7-13 p. 204

7. An alloy is a solid combination of atoms of two or more metals.

8. Two alloys we use regularly are steel and gold. Steel is composed of iron and carbon, and it us used to make kitchen utensils, plumbing fixtures, and architectural designs. 14-carat gold is made of gold, copper, and silver, and is used to make jewelry.

9. Carbon is a nonmetal component of both steel and stainless steel.

10. Chromium-platinum (Cr3Pt) is an alloy that is also a well-defined compound. It composes some razor blade edges and is very hard.

11. Elements that behave as semiconductors are metalloids. This characteristic is logical, for metals are known to be conductive, and nonmetals are not.

12. Three elements commonly used for doping semiconductors include phosphorus (P), arsenic (Ar), and aluminum (Al).

13. The primary use of the products of semiconductor technology is for computers to process digital information. Semiconductor devices include transistors and integrated circuits, which are parts of electronics.

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