Friday, July 12, 2013

Converting Copper Lab Data

Juliet, Nora, Rio

Data Table:
Objects for which mass is determined
Measured masses (g)
Crucible alone
Crucible and copper before heating
Copper before heating
Crucible and copper after heating
Copper after heating

1a. As we heated the copper, it turned black and powdery.

1b. The copper atoms did remain the crucible; it was just a chemical reaction that becomes a new substance with oxygen and copper heated.

2a. It was a chemical reaction because when copper and oxygen are heated, copper oxide (new substance) is produced.

2b. The change of color, but not form and the heating with oxygen led us to our conclusion.

3a. The mass of the crucible and copper increased after heating compared to before heating.

3b. The mass changed because of combustion and the new substance that was produced.

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