Monday, July 8, 2013

Homework Assignment 12

2SAS #1-12 pg. 130

1. Chemical or physical property:
  • a. physical
  • b. chemical
  • c. chemical
  • d. physical

2. Chemical or physical property:
  • a. physical
  • b. physical
  • c. physical
  • d. chemical

3. Chemical or physical change:
  • a. chemical
  • b. physical
  • c. chemical
  • d. physical

4. Chemical or physical change:
  • a. chemical
  • b. chemical
  • c. physical
  • d. physical

5. Evidence for #4
  • a. An apple turning brown after being left out in the air is a chemical change because the new browned color of the apple is permanent – it cannot become normal again.
  • b. Flashlight batteries losing their “charge” after extended use is an example of a chemical change because thermal energy was released.
  • c. Dry cleaning removing oils from clothing is an example of a physical change because the main clothing is not changed.
  • d. Italian salad dressing that separates over time is a physical change because the substances stay the same.

  • a. When making chocolate chip cookies, you must stir the ingredients in a bowl. Once they turn to dough, roll little circles out and place them onto a cookie sheet, then into the oven to bake.
  • b. Stirring the ingredients in a bowl is a physical change because the substances included stay the same. Rolling little circles out and placing them onto a cookie sheet is a physical change as well because the shape is changing, but nothing else. Baking the cookies is a chemical change because the dough endures a temperature alteration and becomes a new substance – it is permanently a cookie and can no longer turn into dough again.
7. Metals or nonmetals:
  • a. metals
  • b. nonmetals
  • c. nonmetals
  • d. metals

8. Metals, nonmetals, or metalloids:
  • a. metal
  • b. metalloid
  • c. nonmetal
  • d. metal

9. Two elements that are metalloids are Boron and Silicon: B and Si.

10. If you tapped a sample of each of the following elements with a hammer…
  • a. Iodine would shatter (nonmetal)
  • b. Zirconium would flatten (metal)
  • c. Phosphorus would shatter (nonmetal)
  • d. Nickel would flatten (metal)

11. Nonmetals are unsuitable for electric wiring because 1) they do not conduct electricity and 2) they are not malleable, or bendable.

12. Metals are suitable for use in coins because 1) they bend but do not break, 2) they have luster, and 3) they are malleable.

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