Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Homework Assignment 17

2SCS #13-21 p. 181

  • a. 6 moles
  • b. 5 moles
  • c. 5 moles

  • a. 1 mole
  • b. 621 g
  • c. 28 g
  • d. 415 g

15. 14 + 16 + 16 = 46
32/46 = 70%, not 67%

  • a. Ag2S = 87% silver
  • b. Al2O3 = 53% aluminum
  • c. CaCO3 = 40% calcium

  • a. PbSO4 = 68% lead
  • b. 10% PbSO4 in the ore sample
  • c. 6.8% Pb in the total ore sample
  • d.
10% lead in the PbSO4 ore

68% lead in lead sulfate


  • a. Reusing means a product is used again for the same purpose, whereas recycling means that a product is used again in a different setting.
  • b. Two examples of recycling are old computer parts and compost piles. Two examples of reusing are clothes and containers.

  • a. Four examples of renewable resources are solar energy, biomass, wood, and natural gas.
  • b. Four examples of nonrenewable resources are fossil fuels, crude oil/petroleum, gas, and coal.

  • a. Reusing
  • b. Recycling
  • c. Recycling

21. A light bulb would only be recyclable, whereas a newspaper would be recyclable and reusable.

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