Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Homework Assignment 8

C.2 #1-3 p. 56


  • a. 108 g
  • b. 45 g

  • a. 10 g
  • b. 20 g

  • a. 87.5 g will precipitate
  • b. 80 g

ISCS #1-8 p. 82

1. Three teaspoons of sugar will dissolve in hot tea, but not equally in iced tea because the differences in temperatures can affect the solubility.

2. 47 g

3. Solubility of sugar
  • a. 200 g
  • b. 710 g
  • c. 1892 g

4. Most to least soluble
  • a. 20 degrees C: NaCl, KCl, KNO3
  • b. 80 degrees C: KNO3, KCl, NaCl

5. The term saturated means a solution in which the solvent has dissolved as much solute as it can retain at a specific temperature. The term unsaturated means a solution containing a lower concentration of solute than a saturated solution contains at a specific temperature.

6. Solubility of potassium nitrate
  • a. 35 g
  • b. saturated
  • c. 90 g

  • a. Unsaturated: the crystal will dissolve.
  • b. Saturated: the crystal will form at the bottom.
  • c. Supersaturated: the crystal will add to the precipitate at the bottom.

8. 40% ethanol

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