Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Homework Assignment 3

ISBS #1-12 p. 50 (Sketch on paper: #9)

1. A physical property is a property that can be observed and measured without changing the chemical makeup of the substance.

2. Three physical properties of water are density, freezing point, and boiling point.

3. Solid water is less dense than liquid water.

4. When water is heated it turns to gas. When gas cools, it condenses and turns back into water. When water reaches its freezing point, it turns to ice.

5. A heterogenous mixture is one that is not the same, or uniform, throughout (ex: foul water). A homogenous mixture that is the same, or uniform, throughout (ex: saltwater).

6. When gasoline and water are poured into the same container and form two distinct layers, you need to know their densities to predict which liquid will be on top.

7. Solution, suspension, or colloid:

  • a. Medicine with instructions to "shake before use": suspension
  • b. Italian salad dressing: colloid
  • c. Mayonnaise: colloid
  • d. A cola soft drink: solution
  • e. Oil-based paint: suspension
  • f. Milk: colloid

8. The air would be a colloid because since the air particles are spread throughout the room, the light will go in all different directions.

9. Sketch

10. The clear, red liquid would be a colloid because the light passes through the mixture, signifying tiny particles in the mixture that scatter the light.

11. The term substance means an element (1) or a compound (2) with a uniform and definite composition, as well as distinct properties. 

12. Element vs. compound:
  • a. CO: compound
  • b. Co: element
  • c. HCl: compound
  • d. Mg: element
  • e. NaHCO3: compound
  • f. NO: element
  • g. I2: element

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